Sunday, October 3, 2010

Increasing Passion Could Help

Good day to you!:-)

You know, when something seems wrong in a relationship and we try and try to fix it... but to no avail...
makes us think about the the problems more and more. And we tend to forget about the PASSION that create the bonding between our partner.

So please give a thought about the tips below, it could help you, me, your friends or the people the we love.


You'll fix a relationship or win an ex back faster
if you focus increasing the PASSION and connection in your relationship
before focusing on the PROBLEMS of your relationship.

Here's what it means for you: 

If you have problems in your relationship... I mean
big or small, it will almost fix themselves
if there is enough passion in your relationship...BUT... Even the smallest
problems will seem like mountains if there's NO passion.

How to do it?:

A small emotionally charged date will go much farther
healing a relationship...than having a two hour conversation
about why the affair happened.

Now... your situation could be a little different, you'd say... but what ever reasons that strained your relationship...
PASSION n CONNECTION has decreased right under your nose. So you need to get it back up...

Emotionally charged date are not about dinners and movies. NO... No... No, please that was yesterday.

Get some more dating ideas right here with T.W. JACKSON that could suit your situation to get your ex back.   love ya'll.

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